10 Most Shocking Quentin Tarantino Movie Moments

8. Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe - Natural Born Killers

Whilst only penned and actually openly dismissed by Tarantino, Natural Born Killers was one of the most debated films in history. Criticised and lauded for it€™s glamorisation of violence the whole film is one disturbing moment to the next. You'd think audiences might have some idea what to expect from a film that is, ultimately, about two killers murdering their way to a happy ever after, however, the opening scene still comes in hard and brutal. Massacring an entire diner of rednecks Juliette Lewis and Woody Harrelson, aka Mickey and Mallory Knox, work their way through the entire place until only two remain, whereby they decide to leave one alive. How do they pick? A simple game of eeny, meeny, miny, moe that is so sadistic, given the energy Lewis puts into her performance and Stone's film style, you get a real sense of just how crazy the Knox's are. Who says you don€™t learn anything at school.

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.