10 Most Skippable Harry Potter Movie Scenes

7. The Slug Club Dinner - The Half-Blood Prince

Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

The new Potions Master is a welcome change after the infamous Professor Snape. Horace Slughorn is a jovial, kind, and exceptionally talented wizard. He’s also fond of social gatherings, and midway through The Half-Blood Prince, he hosts one of the most uncomfortable dinners of all time.

It starts off okay. Slughorn asks his guests about their parents’ professions, and there’s a funny moment when Marcus Belby is a little too enthusiastic about his pudding. And then…Ginny enters the room.

Harry, ignoring everybody else, stands up as a sign of politeness. It’s supposed to be awkward – and it is – but it’s too on the nose. Harry isn’t a complete idiot. Why would he stand up in the middle of the dinner, fully aware that no one else had bothered to move?

And that’s not the worst of it. In the last few seconds of the scene, Cormac McLaggen decides to suck his fingers in front of Hermione. Teenage boys are prone to stupidity, but it’s hard to believe he would do something that embarrassing.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.