10 Most Skippable Harry Potter Movie Scenes

8. The Quidditch World Cup - The Goblet Of Fire

Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

The Goblet of Fire novel gave us three fascinating chapters at the Quidditch World Cup, yet the filmmakers could only manage seven minutes. One of the greatest sporting events in wizarding history is nothing more than an afterthought – and we don't get to see the match at all!

The casting of the Dark Mark and the march of the Death Eaters is a nod to Voldemort’s return. But beyond that, there isn’t much point to this sequence. The original chapters are so butchered it almost feels like a waste of time.

It’s also strange that we see the face of Barty Crouch Junior. The caster of the Dark Mark is supposed to be a mystery until the very end of the story. But after Harry’s trip into the Pensieve, anyone with a half-decent memory can put two and two together.

This has a knock-on effect later on. Once we know Mad-Eye Moody is the villain, it’s too easy to figure out the rest. When he transforms, we don’t feel any sense of anticipation because we’re just waiting for our assumption to be confirmed.

Somehow, this scene ignores almost all of the source material whilst simultaneously spoiling a key part of the adventure.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.