10 Most Spiteful Horror Movie Easter Eggs

7. No Thanks Whatsoever - Scream

A Nightmare on Elm Street
Dimension Films

In a rare case of an Easter egg being concealed in a film's closing credits, Wes Craven's masterful Scream features a very peculiar note near the end of the credits following the usual "the filmmakers wish to thank" dedications.

A notice reads, "No thanks whatsoever to The Santa Rosa City School District Governing Board." This is due to the board meddling in production and forcing planned location shoots to be changed shortly before filming.

Originally the production had received verbal permission from Santa Rosa High School's principal to film Scream on its grounds, but once the School District Governing Board heard about it, they stonewalled filming altogether.

With pressure subsequently mounting from locals none-too-pleased about a slasher film being shot on their back yard, Craven and company had no choice but to up sticks and move shooting to the nearby Sonoma Community Center.

But not content to simply let the matter quietly rest, Craven immortalised the Governing Board's refusal to play ball by disparaging them in the end credits of his movie. On the balance of circumstances, Wes won.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.