10 Most Spiteful Horror Movie Easter Eggs

6. Trolling Twilight Fans - Fright Night (2011)

A Nightmare on Elm Street

2011's surprisingly good remake of the 1985 cult classic vampire film Fright Night released in the midst of the Twilight phenomenon sweeping the globe, and being a self-aware comedy-horror as it was, gleefully took the opportunity to throw some shade at the very un-cool vampire franchise.

Early on in the film there's a straight-up joke about Twilight when protagonist Charley (Anton Yelchin) tells his pal Ed (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), "You read too much Twilight," to which Ed is incredibly offended.

But there's a far more subtle allusion to one of the first Twilight movie's more infamous scenes about half-way through Fright Night, when vampire Jerry (a brilliant Colin Farrell) rolls an apple off his kitchen worktop and catches it while Charley is sneaking around his house.

Though Jerry also had a fondness for apples in the original Fright Night, this is actually a specific nod to an oft-ridiculed scene from Twilight.

In the scene in question, Bella (Kristen Stewart) drops her apple in the school cafeteria, only for her vampiric crush Edward (Robert Pattinson) to catch it with his foot and bounce it back up into his hands.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.