10 Most Sudden Deaths In Horror Movies You Never Saw Coming

9. Jenna - Friday The 13th (2009)

All Hallow's Eve Terrifier
New Line Cinema

Jenna (Danielle Panabaker) from 2009's Friday the 13th remake sure had "Final Girl" written all over her alright. She was smart and empathetic throughout, while being played by a certified Girl Next Door in Danielle Panabaker, so why wouldn't she survive to the end?

She gets pretty damn close, at least, but bites it in the closing minutes of the film when she, Clay (Jared Padalecki), and Clay's missing sister Whitney (Amanda Righetti) attempt to escape Jason Voorhees' (Derek Mears) dingy underground lair.

As the three find an exit, Jenna is suddenly impaled from behind by Jason's machete, making her the last of Jason's victims and the single one few had on their bingo card. Clay and Whitney are then helpless to do anything but flee.

Had she been able to hang on for a few extra minutes, she would've made it to (temporary) safety with Clay and Whitney. But alas, it sadly wasn't to be.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.