10 Most Sudden Deaths In Horror Movies You Never Saw Coming

8. Randy Meeks - Scream 2

All Hallow's Eve Terrifier
Dimension Films

As the glorified audience insert of the Scream franchise, loveable film geek Randy Meeks (Jamie Kennedy) seemed like he had a decent set of plot armour on him from the beginning, but what is the Scream franchise about if not wildly dodging our expectations?

In a successful attempt to prove that all bets were off in Scream 2, Randy was given a gnarly send-off courtesy of Ghostface just half-way through the movie - in broad daylight no less.

Ghostface tauntingly calls Randy at college, before popping out of Gale's (Courteney Cox) news van and dragging him inside, where he's repeatedly stabbed until dead.

The whole thing transpires so fast - within 30 seconds Randy goes from his usual plucky self to being a shish-kebabbed hunk of meat laying in a pool of his own blood in Gale's van. We never expected it to happen, and certainly not on a busy college campus in the middle of the day.

At least Randy knew his days might be numbered and recorded a useful farewell video, which the surviving heroes then watched in Scream 3.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.