10 Most Sudden Deaths In Horror Movies You Never Saw Coming

7. Tara Hayes - Terrifier

All Hallow's Eve Terrifier
Dread Central

For the first half of Terrifier, it appears that the Final Girl is going to most likely be Tara Heyes (Jenna Kanell) - a young woman out on the town on Halloween night when she and her friend Dawn (Catherine Corcoran) are preyed upon by vicious serial killer Art the Clown (David Howard Thornton).

Tara watches Dawn get cut in half by Art, after which she attempts to stage an escape, and even gets as far as brutally beating Art. But before she can finish the job, Art pulls a gun out of nowhere and shoots her in the leg.

Even so, given Tara's placement as the lead and how drawn out Art's attempt to finish her off is, it seems like she'll get saved at the last minute, right?

Wrong. Art shoots Tara in the stomach, in the cheek, and then goes to find more ammo after running out of bullets, all while Tara's sister Vicky (Samantha Scaffidi) attempts to track her down.

Art then finally returns to a helpless Tara and shoots her in the face numerous times, swiftly marking her exit from the film and Vicky's "promotion" to Final Girl.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.