10 Most Terrifying Female Horror Movie Villains

4. Jennet Humfrye (The Woman In Black 1989/2012)

The Grudge Kayako

Based on the 1983 novel of the same name, there have so far been three film adaptations; the first as a TV movie screened in the UK in 1989, the 2012 version, starring Daniel Radcliffe and written by Jane Goldman, and a sequel in 2015 that is a curiosity at best. The character, created by author Susan Hill, struck a chord with literary and film fans alike with her classic English ghost story sensibilities, terrifying appearance and ominous motivation.

In the story, Jennet Humfrey, the eponymous woman in black, promises a terrible revenge on those who wronged her and whenever she is seen, somewhere a child will die. Arthur Kipps, a London based solicitor is sent to attend the funeral of Alice Drablow, Jennet's sister and sole occupant of the spooky Eel Marsh House, that lies beyond the causeway near the town of Crythin Gifford.

Here Arthur must discover the truth and break the curse, unaware that this particular ghost will never rest, exacting her revenge on his children and the children of all those who set eyes on her.

The Woman In Black is as scary as any ghost story written; an old fashioned supernatural tale with some utterly terrifying sequences involving a rocking chair and a chilling female villain who will never stop haunting us, whichever version we watch.


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...