10 Most Terrifying Female Horror Movie Villains

3. Baby Firefly (The Devils Rejects 2005)

The Grudge Kayako

Not all female horror movie villains are vengeful, possessive mother types seeking retribution; Baby Firefly is pure punk rock and a murderous, free spirit, crazy, without morals and totally insane. Played to perfection by Sheri Moon Zombie and written for the screen by husband and alternative-Americana-horror-movie-auteur and rock-god Rob Zombie, Baby is the R-rated version of Harley Quinn without a Batman or Joker in sight.

Smart, capable and sexy, this is one female horror villain not to be ignored. Baby made her first appearance in House of 1000 Corpses (2003), then in two sequels, The Devils Rejects (2005) and 3 From Hell (2019). Baby and the rest of the crew, Otis, Captain Spaulding and cousin Winslow have one mantra – “getting f*cked up and doing f*cked up sh*t.”

Zombie manages to create an anachronistic female antihero for modern times, without reason or regard for the consequences and totally nihilistic in nature. Just when you think the Rejects have met their match in a hail of police gun fire, all to the tune of Freebird by Leonard Skynard, they are back again for the sequel, in true American slasher movie tradition.

Baby’s repertoire involves scalping, dismembering and being pretty handy with a bow and arrow. Just be careful who you end up flirting with by the vending machines, you never know where it could lead…


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...