10 Most Terrifying Horror Movie Dream Sequences
1. Carrie - Sue's Graveyard Grabbing

Carrie is such a classic in the horror genre, and its ending is one of the many things that make it so great.
After all the twists, turns and telekinetic disasters, our final girl Sue Snell stays true to her good-hearted nature. In a dream, she walks toward Carrie’s grave with a bunch of flowers in hand. She saw how Carrie struggled and only wanted to help, having turned a corner since her bullying days.
Upset after seeing that someone has graffitied a nearby sign with the words ‘Carrie White burns in hell’, Snell continues to approach the grave and lay down the flowers when suddenly a bloodied hand bursts from the ground. The hand (assumedly Carrie’s) grabs her by the forearm and shakes and pulls her, keeping Sue in the dream as in the waking world she screams.
It’s a great ending not only because of the initial jumpscare when the hand protrudes from the ground, but because of the implication that the events of the film will go on to haunt Sue forever.
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