10 Most Terrifying Horror Movie Dream Sequences

8. Rosemary's Baby - Seaside Dreams And Cultish Nightmares

Rosemarys Baby
Paramount Pictures

This film is an undeniable classic, and with it comes a pretty recognisable dream sequence that has been freaking people out for over half a century.

Lying in bed, being reassured by her husband that there’s no rush on making the titular baby, Rosemary drifts off into a surreal and confusing dream. Her dreams seem to always be odd, previously she saw a familiar corpse covered by a sheet and a nun from her earlier life speaking in a voice that is not her own. Now she is floating on the ocean on her bed and then a strange boat, filled with other women and her husband standing confidently among them.

Things get much darker though, as in a mix of dream and reality we see Rosemary tied down to a bed and painted with runes. Without spoiling things too much, it's worth saying that this single sequence does well to capture the essence and mood of the film overall.

Through Rosemary's disorientated eyes we experience a deeply unnerving journey from innocent seaside dream to demonic nightmare.

It's an excellent sequence that is sure to continue courting intrigue for years to come.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.