10 Most Terrifying Horror Movie Dream Sequences
7. Drag Me To Hell - Maggots In Your Mouth
It’s not the most serious of horror movies but there are certainly moments where you’re going to be more grossed out than you are laughing - and this particular dream sequence is one of them.
After having a curse put upon her by an old woman when she refuses to grant a loan, protagonist Christine finds herself victim to a series of hauntings, demonic harassments and eventually one disgusting dream.
We see Christine lying peacefully asleep in bed, with one pesky fly hovering around her face. It becomes clear that something is wrong, however, when said fly goes in one of her nostrils and walks out of the other, then confidently squeezes through her lips and down into her throat.
When Christine appears to have awoken, coughing, we think the ordeal might be over. Wrong! She is met with the vision of the old woman, decomposing and spitting bugs in her mouth. A whole gob-full of maggots and all sorts of other creepy-crawlies gets vomited directly into Christine’s open, screaming mouth before she wakes with a start to find (thankfully) it was all a dream.