10 Most Terrifying Horror Movie Werewolves

1. Dog Soldiers

Wer Movie

The calling card of now-celebrated director Neil Marshall, Dog Soldiers is a great example of effective claustrophobic film making. A group of soldiers are training in the Scottish Highlands. They take refuge in a cabin, and things go from bad to worse.

Taking cues from films like Rio Bravo and Assault On Precinct 13, the set up – a ragtag gang keeping invaders from the door – is an evergreen one. Throw in some bloodthirsty werewolves and you’ve got one of the best British horrors of recent memory.

The beasts here are gigantic, rangy things, depicted as less animalistic and more evil than most. In their human form, the monsters lure poor souls to their lair, and once they’re trapped, they strike. Marshall is a master of tension – his follow up The Descent and his Game Of Thrones episodes further evidence this – and the fear factor grows brilliantly before the action ramps up.

With a decent quality cast, there’s much to get invested in here, making the threat of the werewolves all the more real, not to mention impressive with the budget limitations. Marshall would go on to bigger things, but his debut stands the test of time.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)