10 Most Terrifying Horror Movie Werewolves

2. The Company Of Wolves

Wer Movie
Palace Productions

Based on a short story by Angela Carter, The Company Of Wolves is the most thematically rich film on this list. A reimagining of fairy tale tropes, Carter and director Neil Jordan weave a sultry web of desire, the film taking the form of an anthology deconstructing legendary tales of love and lust.

Beyond that, though, it’s a cracking werewolf film with some of the most visceral effects the genre has known. The transformation scenes are simply wince inducing: whereas you’d usually see the wolf emerge from the human, here the inflicted rip their skin off with their bare hands, exposing the beast beneath.

As the majority of the action takes place as a dream or a story within a story, they don’t need to stick to what we’d consider “realistic” for a werewolf, and Jordan’s monsters are something else, lupine in feature but skinless, raw, red and pulsating. They’re marked down for being pretty easy to kill, but the visual remains haunting.

There’s much to unpick thematically speaking in the werewolves emerging from the bodies of lustful men, but that’s for another time. For a mature and thoughtful film especially, those sure are some scary monsters.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)