10 Most Traumatic Moments In Disney Movies

7. Clayton's Death: Tarzan (1999)

Toy story babyface

Tarzan signed off the '90s for Disney with a bang. You've got the story of two worlds meeting, set to the comforting sound of a Phill Collins score. There's the usual early tragedy - which involves the main character losing his parents - but the majority of the film is a lighthearted action/adventure romp through the jungle, with a healthy dose of romance thrown in for good measure.

It wouldn't be a Disney movie, though, without an antagonist upsetting the status quo and leaving the viewer a little bit scarred. Tarzan has to contend with the sinister, Clayton, a hunter eager to cash in on Tarzan's adopted gorilla family.

Clayton eventually attempts to capture the gorillas and in the ensuing confrontation, mortally wounds Tarzan's reluctant, adopted dad. In his dying moments he finally accepts Tarzan as his son - it's all very sad and touching. But before we get to the moment of reconciliation, Tarzan is forced to fight Clayton in the tree tops. The hunter's rage results in him becoming entangled in the vines, before eventually hanging himself in a moment that burned into any child's psyche who saw it.

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Toy Story
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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.