10 Most Unconvincing CGI Characters In Movie History

8. Young Sylvester Stallone - Grudge Match

Grudge Match Sylvester Stallone Peter Segal's Grudge Match doesn't hit cinemas until Christmas, but we recently got our first look at the movie by way of a rather uninspired trailer, notable for one major reason; an unconvincing CGI marionette of Sylvester Stallone. Yes, the film depicts Stallone and Robert De Niro's characters as old, retired boxers who get into the ring one final time to duke it out and settle the question once and for all - who is the best? Early on in the trailer, we see a clip of Stallone's character announcing his retirement in relative youth, resulting in the above CGI mock-up of a 30-or-40-something Sly speaking while awkwardly standing alongside actual human characters. This is pure uncanny valley; though it's an admirable effort, there's never a moment where it isn't clear that we're looking at a CGI puppet. The way the eyes and mouth move is laughably unrealistic, and in the end he looks more like a wax work of the actor that's been left out in the sun for too long.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.