10 Most Unconvincing CGI Characters In Movie History

6. Werewolves - Twilight

Twilight-Breaking-Dawn-Part-2-Taylor-Lautner-Kristen-Stewart-Robert-Pattinson I think it's fair enough that the first Twilight movie didn't exactly feature sterling CGI, given that the movie was budgeted at just $37 million, but by the time the final movie, Breaking Dawn Part 2, hit cinemas, these movies were made to the tune of $120 million, and how on Earth can that not buy you more convincing CGI than this? The Twilight franchise might be an easy target to generall rip to shreds, but one of the most aggressively awful aspects for me has to be the visual effects; when characters are running at super-speed, they're just a blurry mess, and the same is pretty much true whenever Jacob and his buddies transform into their werewolf counterparts. Though they look fine standing still (as pictured above), the second they move, they quickly become difficult to make sense of, as though someone has smeared a slab of butter all over the camera lens. It's hugely frustrating to watch, and only enhances my ire towards these mostly dreadful flicks.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.