10 Most Underrated 80s Horror Movies

3. Silver Bullet

Curtains Movie
Paramount Pictures

Great werewolf movies are hard to come by. They exist, but far too often are relegated to obscurity in favour of far more fashionable horror icons - I mean, think about how many vampires and zombies we have for a start - with only a few standing the test of time thanks to devoted fan service. The Howling, Dog Soldiers, An American Werewolf In London, and Ginger Snaps will always be beloved, but how often do you hear anyone talking about Silver Bullet?

That's not to say it's a great movie, mind, but an entertaining one in the very least. Much like its namesake, the film is an absolute killer when it comes to the werewolf subgenre, offering up a narrative in which a paralytic boy attempts to capture said creature terrorising his hometown.

Retaining that 80s charm with a healthy dose of humour, the film is exactly the type of thing you'd expect from the peak of Stephen King adaptations taking over horror cinema - meaning you'll have an excellent time whether you're laughing with or at the movie in all of its hammy glory.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.