10 Most Underrated 80s Horror Movies

2. Stage Fright

Curtains Movie
Artists Entertainment Group

If I told you there was a movie about a giant owl-man running around and killing off a bunch of actors locked in a theatre for the night as they performed a play about the very same serial killer in some meta prophecy of their own fates - I'm going to assume that since you're here in the first place, you'd be intrigued at the very least. So, here I am, telling you there is in fact a movie about a giant owl-man running around and killing off a bunch of actors as they perform a play about the very same serial killer in some meta prophecy of their own fates, and it's very good, too.

Stage Fright takes on a lovely play on words and spins it into a genuinely unnerving piece, with director Michael Soavi taking full advantage of terrifying costuming and eking out a tense, bloody slasher in a completely original way. Since it came in the late 80s when the world grew tired of rote murderers getting knife-happy on a bunch of annoyingly attractive people however, it's often looked over in place of more popular genre efforts - despite being a refreshing take on slasher concepts with a healthy vein of Giallo sensibilities running down the middle.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.