10 Most Underrated Comedy Films Of The 90s

1. Dogma

The Cable Guy Jim Carrey 2

The black sheep of Kevin Smith's early works should have been a hit at the box office. It had a lot going for it, including an all-star cast and a provocative premise that all but guaranteed the film would receive more buzz than anything he'd directed previously.

Unfortunately, that buzz quickly turned to controversy, with full-on boycotts by religious groups. And while that kind of publicity might've helped a movie as serious as The Passion of the Christ, it's typically a death blow for a comedy.

Yet, for all its audacity, Dogma is an incredibly thoughtful satire, balancing big picture attacks on the Bible's duplicitous maxims along with little jabs at the Church's authoritarianism. It's the type of satire only someone raised in a Catholic household - which Smith was - would be able to manage without sounding plain mean.

But the stellar cast - especially the duo of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, playing the central fallen angels trying to recapture their place in heaven - handle the idealogical meat of the script with great aplomb. Wringing gut laughs from religious hypocrisy isn't easy, but you wouldn't know it from watching Chris Rock and Alan Rickman sink their teeth into it with wide grins.

Which other underrated '90s comedies belong on this list? Share your picks below in the comments thread.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.