10 Most Underrated Female Horror Movie Monsters In History

9. Alucarda - Alucarda

Starry Eyes

Fans of the Castlevania video games will recognise the name “Alucard” as the series’ protagonist. Sadly, this film has nothing to do with him, but it’s still good. 

Alucarda, played by Tina Romero in the 1977 Mexican film of the same name, is a young girl who was raised by a group of nuns following the death of her mother. One day, a new girl, Justine, arrives at the convent and Alucarda takes an immediate shine to her. 

The two do everything together - they braid each other’s hair; they gossip about boys; they perform Satanic blood rituals... wait, what was that last one? 

While exploring an old crypt near the nunnery, Alucarda and Justine end up possessed by a powerful demon, which convinces them to shun their Catholic ways and worship the Devil instead. The nuns don’t take kindly to this attitude, so Alucarda does what any good Satanist would and destroys the convent in brutal fashion. 

Though the film is not as popular as it should be, it does have its famous fans. Guillermo del Toro has spoken about his love for it and there are traces of this picture all across his own body of work.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.