10 Most Underrated Female Horror Movie Monsters In History

8. The Pale Lady - Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark

Starry Eyes
Lionsgate Films

Based on three collections of short stories originally published by Alvin Schwartz, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark from 2019 follows a group of teenagers as their lives are turned upside down when they discover an enchanted book. 

Written by a suspected witch, the book mysteriously begins to display new stories, based on the darkest fears of the unsuspecting teens. One character, Chuck, ends up as the main character of one of the new tales, and unfortunately for him, it does not end with the words “Happily Ever After”.

Poor Chuck finds himself running around a creepy hospital, where he comes face-to-face with a creature from his own nightmares. This is The Pale Lady, a horribly bloated and disfigured creature that has the vague outline of a human, but has been warped by some malevolent force. 

The Lady wastes no time in absorbing Chuck into her gelatinous folds, killing the lad in gruesome fashion. Sadly, that’s it for this visually striking monster, as the Lady is never seen again. 

That’s the problem with these anthology-type films - there’s never enough time for the monsters that truly shine. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.