10 Most Underrated Female Horror Movie Monsters In History

7. Sarah Walker - Starry Eyes

Starry Eyes
Dark Sky Films

Starry Eyes from 2014 is a story about the most terrifying monster of all - fame. 

The main character/victim of the tale is Sarah Walker (Alexandra Essoe), a young woman whose dreams of becoming an actor bring her into the orbit of Astraeus Productions, a very important company in the world of movies. 

Sarah is so desperate to become a big star that she basically agrees to do anything the producers say. Sounds like a pretty straightforward story about Hollywood, right? It would be, if Astraeus Productions wasn’t actually a front for a Satanic cult. 

After falling under their spell, Sarah goes through a horrifying transformation. Her hair starts to fall out, she vomits maggots, and her face becomes twisted and deformed, reflecting the growing evil inside her. This all culminates when she kills Erin, her former friend and rival, before going on a massive murder spree and ultimately being reborn as a beautiful starlet. 

This character is so effective because she is simultaneously a victim and a villain, the latest in a long line of people who have sold their soul for riches and glory. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.