10 Most Underrated Female Horror Movie Monsters In History

5. Louise - Spring

Starry Eyes
Drafthouse Films

Love is a tricky thing. Even when you think you’ve met the girl of your dreams, something can come along and throw a gigantic spanner in the works. For the main character in 2014’s Spring, that spanner is that his beloved is a 2,000-year-old shapeshifting mutant.

A young American man who moves out to Italy after the death of his mother, Evan (Lou Taylor Pucci) falls hard for Louise, a flirty local played by Nadia Hilker. As the two grow closer, Louise is forced to reveal that she is actually an immortal who has to get herself pregnant every 20 years in order to stay that way.

She also can’t fall in love, otherwise, her immortality will cease and she will die. 

Spring is more of a romance story than a horror, but there’s no denying that the scenes where Louise reveals her true form are freaky as anything. In reality, she is a horrifying creature resembling an octopus, who is capable of killing if she transforms unwillingly. 

All this, and Evan is still interested in her. What a guy.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.