10 Most Underrated Horror Movies Of The Decade

4. Frozen (2010)

Frozen 2010
Anchor Bay Films

No, not that one, though that one is good as well.

Frozen isn't about ghosts or monsters or angry locals (well, unless you count wild animals) - it's a simple concept horror movie about three skiers who get inadvertently stranded on a ski lift in freezing conditions and are forced to weigh up freezing to death, falling to their deaths or being eaten by wolves or all of the above.

It's all about tension, obviously and the same sort of awful question posed by 127 Hours - the option of definite death or possible survival dependant on short term horrors. And Adam Green's direction and a strong script make this way better than it probably deserves to be, given the concept.

Sure it's a slow-burner and it's not exactly flashy, but that absolutely fits the premise and it deserves more acknowledgement.


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