10 Most Underrated Horror Movies Of The Decade

3. Kill List

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Optimum Releasing

Ben Wheatley's brilliant Kill List seems to start as something else entirely, presenting initially as a sort of typical hit man movie following two killers as they carry out jobs. It's pretty brutal - particularly one hammer-based murder scene that will haunt your memories long after - but then it takes a turn to way darker, way more twisted territories that nobody could have predicted. Even with Wheatley's name above the door.

It's bonkers and shares some story genetics with the more recent Midsommar, though that's where the spoilers will end as it's best to see it without knowing anything about it. It's another of those movies that revels in its nastiness and which people might well judge you for recommending, but since when was horror not ALL about that?

The best thing about it is that Wheatley doesn't allow his story to live solely on its twists - it is well written and performed enough that it makes a mark without them. It's just a shame it hasn't ever achieved the kind of mainstream appreciation it so richly deserved.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.