10 Most Underrated MCU Villains

9. Ulysses Klaue

Doctor Strange Mads Mikkelsen Kaecilius
Marvel Studios

For all the problems the MCU has had with its villains, this goes doubly for its secondary villains. Those bad guys that are there either as a device to show what a hero can do before facing up to the big bad of the movie, or as a lieutenant to the big bad of the movie, are often seen by Marvel Studios as expendable.

Strucker, Crossbones, and even Surtur all pulled the short straw and were killed off early in their movie (though Surtur did eventually return to destroy Asgard). Ulysses Klaue fits into this category, and while he was able to be developed over both Age of Ultron and Black Panther, he was still killed off way too early.

Andy Serkis’ South African smuggler not only knew where and what Wakanda was, he found a way in, stole some precious vibranium, and found a way out with his life intact. No one else in the MCU could have done that, and the pure joy he took in his work was contagious to those watching.

Aside from being killed too early, Klaue also had the misfortune of falling into the shadow of Erik Killmonger. When you think of great Phase Three villains, Killmonger is one of the first on the list, stealing the scenes that Klaue also shone in, and with it the limelight and adoration of the fans the character deserved.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.