10 Most Underrated Moments In Fanboy Movie History

3. Clone Wars - The Prestige

In this second entry on this list courtesy of Christopher Nolan, two magicians in the early twentieth century vie for the title of greatest magician alive. In a great twist, we discover that Christian Bale's character Alfred Borden had a twin brother all along to make his famous tricks possible. But it is when we learn that Nikola Tesla has created a cloning machine and not a transporting machine that the rug is pulled out from under us, taking this movie from great to epic. The philosophical implications regarding the cloning a person are interesting as hell. Whether Hugh Jackman's character Robert Angier is a clone or the original is sure to provoke many a discussion. This scene, quite simply, is still jaw dropping in its audacity and intelligence.

born and raised on the south side of chicago. grew up loving movies,comic books, and the ladies! graduated from high school with a SOLID C average, and graduated College Thankya Laude. actually i graduate cum laude, but that's just disgusting. here to help further the awesomeness of pop culture and battle the demons of douchebagville and assclownery.