10 Most Underrated Movie Remakes Since 2000

10. The Thing (2011)

A unusual cross between a remake and a prequel, The Thing attempts to tell the story that leads up to the events depicted in John Carpenter's 1981 classic of the same name (basically: what happened at the Norwegian base?). In doing so, it pretty much settles for reprising the beats of the first flick, cementing itself as a remake pretending not to be one. The film was met negatively upon its release, with many critics quick to call The Thing "pointless" and "unnecessary," citing it as a pale imitation of the original. But there's a sense that they might have been a little harsh on the film in retrospect: this is a worthwhile little horror movie, all things considered - a kind of love letter/companion piece to the original that fans of the Kurt Russell classic can enjoy purely on a "spot the reference" basis. Effort has been made to ensure that The Thing makes sense when viewed alongside its predecessor, and there are lots of clever nods scattered throughout. No, it's nowhere near as good as the original, but viewed out of context The Thing clings to a fun, old-fashioned approach to the horror movie, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead makes for a highly compelling lead as Dr. Kate Lloyd, an American posted at the Norwegian base.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.