10 Most Underrated Movies Of 2017 (So Far)

3. Power Rangers

Transformers 5 Last Knight

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 45%

What the heck was so wrong with Power Rangers that it only managed to garner a score of 45% on Rotten Tomatoes? It's a clear sign that there's a massive disconnect between audiences and critics, because this was a genuinely admirable attempt to revive a goofy '90s property for modern audiences that managed to be entertaining and incredibly fun to sit through from start to finish.

Whereas many critics complained that the movie failed to find a good story or elevate the source material or stuck too squarely to established formulas, one could definitely argue that these are, in fact, the movie's main strengths.

After all, in this climate of overblown superhero movies like Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, where plots are so contrived it's impossible to even know what's going on, Power Rangers feels like an beautiful anomaly: yes, it's a simple story of good versus evil and its "stock" characters are far from mind-blowing, but they work. The movie is simple and effective as an origin story, a breath of fresh air.

If Power Rangers failed to capture the "goofiness" of the TV show on which it was based, it's probably a good thing: remember what recently happened when Baywatch tried to go all 21 Jump Street with it self-aware, meta-addled gags, only to emerge as one of the worst comedy movies of all-time? No, you won't find the latest Dwayne Johnson movie on this list anywhere. It was plainly bad.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.