10 Most Underrated Original Songs In Movie History

5. "Miss Misery" By Elliott Smith (Good Will Hunting)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH8-lQ9CeyI Like some of the material Affleck has taken on as a filmmaker, "Good Will Hunting" sheds light on the distinct and highly diverse facets of Boston. So, on the surface, matching the beautifully shot drives and walks through both the collegiate and neglected streets with Elliott Smith of the Kill Rock Stars Portland scene seems a bit of an odd match. "Good Will Hunting" is the story of a young man who by all appearances is an outcast to the society around him. He fits in with his friends and his neighborhood, but it only really drives him to get himself into trouble. He's smart enough to leave all the ivy leaguers in the dust, but he sees no value in the lifestyle demanded from being a genius. Will Hunting's story is almost parallel to that of the late singer-songwriter who wrote the Oscar-nominated song at the heart of this film. Elliott Smith surpassed all of his peers as a composer of music, but was content doing things for and by himself. "Miss Misery" is a poignant song about pain, which is at the heart of the central relationship between Hunting and his therapist. They relate to one another when they let down their guards, and stop faking it through the day.
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Marshall Granger is a writer and filmmaker living in Missoula, Montana.