10 Most Underrated Scenes In Star Wars

The best of the rest from a galaxy far, far away.

Ahsoka Shadow Warrior Purrgil

(Portions of this article were originally written for WhatCulture by Brogan Morris. Additional entries added by Andrew Pollard on July 3rd, 2024).

Can any moment in Star Wars truly be considered underrated? This is a franchise so popular and iconic that it seems each and every scene has been studied and memorised by the fans; you don't really know the franchise until you can recite each movie word-for-word (or at the very least the opening crawls).

Still, there are some scenes that have become more legendary than others. The Darth Maul/Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan duel, Yoda's high-kicking fight with Count Dooku, Order 66, the collapse of the Death Star, the revelation that Vader is Luke's father, Kylo Ren killing his own father, the Obi-Wan and Vader TV rematch, Ashoka reconnecting with her old Master in the World Between Worlds - these are all moments that have been etched on every Star Wars fan's memory.

Nowadays comprising of three movie trilogies, a few other films, various TV shows (both in live-action and animation), and a whole host of other delights, it's only natural that some Star Wars moments may fly under the radar a little and be talked about less frequently than others. Often, it's the quieter moments that get forgotten, but there are also complex scenes that work on multiple levels, action set-pieces that unfortunately pale in comparison to more bombastic battle sequences, and instances where the dialogue seems slight on the surface, but in reality has so much more going for it than it first seemed.

10. Rey’s First Taste Of Rain

Ahsoka Shadow Warrior Purrgil

A moment so easy to miss, The Last Jedi features a fleeting glance of Rey experiencing rain for the first time.

Having grown up on the desert planet of Jakku, all Rey is used to is sand, sand, and a smidge more sand. So, when Rey’s search for Luke Skywalker takes her to Ahch-To, this planet is an entirely different beast. Notably, after Luke finally starts training the young Jedi, there’s a short sequence where Rey and Kylo Ren communicate via the Force; a sequence that sees Daisy Ridley’s character claim she knows all about what happened between Kylo and Luke, and one that also has Ren agreeing that he himself is a monster.

However, what many might not have picked up on takes place in the short time between Rey exiting the Millennium Falcon and starting up her chat with Kylo. In an uber-brief moment, Rey holds her hand out and smiles as rain rolls down from the top of the Falcon. With a childish, curious look of amazement on her face, you realise this is the first time Rey has ever seen the wet stuff.

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