10 Most Underrated Scenes In Star Wars

9. "Take Care Of Yourself, OK?"

Ahsoka Shadow Warrior Purrgil

This is a small moment in The Empires Strikes Back that doesn't involve action or spectacle of any kind, but it may be the single most bittersweet scene in the entire series. 

Before the Empire lands on Hoth and begins its AT-AT assault, Luke visits Han to say goodbye just as he and Chewbacca prepare to fly the Millennium Falcon out of there, and out of the lives of the Rebels for the foreseeable future. Of course, this doesn't go to plan, with Han, Chewbacca, Leia and C-3PO instead taking an adventure together across the galaxy and on to Cloud City, but for Han and Luke, this really is goodbye.

Not only is this the last time the two friends will see each other for a number of years, but - though neither of them know it - it's the last time Han will see Luke before his transformation into a Jedi, with the training making him more monkish, serious-minded and aloof. 

Han is saying goodbye forever to the friend he knew here, and he doesn't even know it. A poignant farewell.

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