10 Most Underrated Star Wars Characters Ever

1. Jango Fett

Star Wars Lobot

Not many people can claim to have taken on the legendary Obi-Wan Kenobi in hand-to-hand, weapon-on-weapon and space combat and lived to tell the tale, but then most people aren't as cool as Jango Fett.

Renowned across the galaxy as the most fearsome Bounty Hunter of his day, this Mandalorian Warrior is both beloved with most Star Wars fans and still a key influencer in even recent works such as Disney's own Mandalorian show.

Not only was Jango a skilled fighter, capable of taking on even the most disciplined of Jedi Knights, but his exploits across the galaxy earned him the personal admiration of even the legendary Count Dooku. Tasked by his master to create an army of elite warriors, Dooku personally went out of his way to ask Jango to supply the genetic material needed to bring about the creation of the Republic's Clone Army Obi-Wan stumbled across on Kamino.

As a testament to just how cool of a character Jango Fett is, he remains one of the few side characters introduced in a main series film to have a whole video game designed around his own legendary accomplishments.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.