10 Most Underrated Star Wars Characters Ever

2. Kit Fisto

Star Wars Lobot

Though the extended universe and Clone Wars cartoon series has gone a long way in giving this popular Jedi Master the screentime he deserves, Kit Fisto will always remain one of the most cruelly underrated Star Wars characters of all time.

First seen during Episode II: Attack Of The Clones' Battle of Geonosis, this Nautolan Jedi instantly made a splash on the screen when he came flying into the shot and force pushed the droid with C-3PO's head on over. One of the few Jedis to make it out of the battle in one piece, Kit Fisto would go onto make a name for himself as one of the most active Jedi heroes of the Clone Wars, taking on the likes of Asajj Ventress and General Grievous and living to tell the tale.

Fisto would indeed return in Revenge Of The Sith and was one of the Jedi Masters chosen by Mace Windu to accompany him in arresting Chancellor Palpatine. In that infamous scene of one man taking down three Jedi Masters in a matter of seconds, this awesome Jedi was cut down in a pretty harsh and underwhelming way.

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