10 Most Underwhelming Horror Movie Monster Reveals

1. The Werewolf - Cursed

Rawhead Rex 2
Miramax Films

The name of this 2005 comedy-horror flick from horror royalty Wes Craven is Cursed, which, for reasons that will soon become apparent, is incredibly ironic. 

Christina Ricci and Jesse Eisenberg are Ellie and Jimmy, two teenage siblings who run afoul of a werewolf, which was initially brought to life by legendary effects specialist Rick Baker. Then, the film fell into production hell and, for some unknown reason, all of Baker’s work was replaced by shoddy CGI. 

When character Joanie transforms to and from her lycanthropic form, it looks rough. Like, really, really rough. Mid-2000s CGI was such a mixed bag and this definitely falls on the lower end of the spectrum, completely spoiling any sense of immersion anyone was feeling up to that point. 

The decision to use computers instead of a seven-time Oscar winner was roundly slammed and there was even a campaign to release the original unaltered cut of the movie once it was discovered that it still exists. 

For now though, this is the only version of Cursed you’re going to get, which is a damn shame.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.