10 Most Underwhelming Horror Movie Monster Reveals

2. Rawhead Rex - Rawhead Rex

Rawhead Rex 2
Empire Pictures

Acclaimed horror author Clive Barker is not the biggest fan of Rawhead Rex, a 1986 movie based on one of his short stories.

The titular being is a pagan god that, once unleashed, runs rampant throughout a rural Irish community. Viewers didn’t need to wait too long to lay eyes on Rex, as he is seen right at the start of the movie emerging from the ground after lightning strikes a nearby monument. 

Once you do see him though, you’ll wish you hadn’t. 

Rex is a total disaster. His face is all bulbous and bloated, but in a comedic way rather than a “run for the hills” kinda way. He’s got big goofy teeth that jut out like a ridiculous comic book character and the suit that the stunt performer is wearing has about three points of articulation on it. 

He walks like a stop-motion action figure. 

The sight of this oafish beast rising from a grave is more pitiful than petrifying. Rex is at such a disadvantage physically that he’s basically the underdog in this story, as it’s hard to believe he could open a door properly, let alone run riot through an Irish village. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.