10 Most Unexpected Transformations In Zombie Movies

1. Vera - Braindead

Overlord movie
Trimark Pictures

Long before Peter Jackson took the helm of The Lord of the Rings, he made a little zombie flick called Braindead. This zomcom has some of the most creative visuals, as well as the grossest, ever put to film. Throughout this comedy, we bear witness to baby zombies, a guy eating undead pus, and a pair of reanimated corpses getting down to business.

After watching so many crazy visuals for 90 minutes, you assume there's nothing else the movie can possibly throw at you. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Near the end, our hero, Lionel, assumes his tyrannical mother, Vera, has succumbed to the zombie virus. Despite being seemingly dead and buried, the mother from hell resurrects herself, growing monstrous in size and form.

Although her big reveal is built up for nearly ten minutes, no one is ready for Vera's final transformation. With her split-open face, Wolverine-like claws, protruding spine, and absolutely gargantuan knockers, no one has ever seen a zombie quick like this one. After Vera rips open her own stomach so she can shove her son back into her womb, you really feel like nothing in cinema will ever shock you again.

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