10 Most Unlikely Duos In Horror Movies

Double, double, toil and trouble... Sink your teeth into these improbable pairs.

Death Becomes Her
Universal Pictures

Good characters and good horror movies don't always go hand in hand. In fact, it is horror tradition to half-bake the character development in favour of a haunting plot, seat-wetting scares and memorable kills.

Save for the villains, very few compelling horror characters come with enough depth, backstory and the spunk to stick in our memories. And even rarer is the horror movie duo, silver screen pairs seemingly sent to set things right. But, every once in a while, two characters seemingly predestined to be at loggerheads come along and fall into place to fight evil -- or good, as the case may be -- together.

These alliances may be born of mutual hatred, misguided youth, supernatural forces, or the desire to survive in an otherwise hostile world, but the end result is the same: the unlikeliest of pairings coming together to make cinematic gold.

Grab a friend and prepare for the worst, because these ten terrific duos may not be likely, but they still might scare the s**t out of you.

10. Danny & Abra - Doctor Sleep (2019)

Death Becomes Her
Warner Bros.

Mike Flanagan's name has been on everyone's tongues recently, what with the successes he's had bringing a string of original horror series to Netflix, and the slate of upcoming productions he has in the works for them.

But many may have forgotten his background in film, including his critically if not commercially successful 2019 adaptation of Stephen King's Shining sequel Doctor Sleep. Not only did Flanagan manage to wrangle the novel and the legacy of Stanley Kubrick's 1980 film in unison, but he also got the nod of approval from the big man himself (King that is, not Kubrick...).

Ewan McGregor stars as the grown-up Danny Torrance, hiding from his demons -- and the ghost of his father -- out in the sticks, and using alcohol to suppress his shining. Meanwhile, across the country, Abra (Kyliegh Curran) the young daughter of an affluent family, is developing her own telepathic powers.

The pair have nothing in common and, as far as adult-child relationships go, the twain should never have met. And yet, thrown together by the intervention of the evil, murderous True Knot cult -- who hunt and torture those gifted with the shining -- Abra and Danny form an unlikely duo, and a bond that allows them to destroy both the True Knot and the Overlook Hotel once and for all.

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