10 Most Unnecessary Movie Deaths Ever

3. Newt and Hicks - Alien 3 (1992)

hicksnewt Crushing fan dreams before the credits had even finished, Alien 3 kills off two of the biggest characters in Hicks and Newt from Aliens within the first ten minutes, making everything they suffered in Aliens completely pointless and redundant. Alien 3 had to finish of Ripley€™s story to be entertaining (and it is better than you probably remember), but they did pretty much destroyed aficionado affinity with these most unnecessary of brutal killings. It is said, probably to elevate disappointment, Alien 3 is nothing more than a hyper sleep nightmare that Ripley endures while travelling safely back to earth with Newt and Hicks intact. If fans have to go as far as to claim that an entire film can be seen as nothing but a horrible dream, then you know you have officially killed a franchise - Arguably, the unnecessary deaths of the aforementioned pair was the point in which these set of films lost their way. Sorry, there isn't an excuse for Alien Resurrection though.
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...