10 Most Unnerving Shots In Horror Movies

6. Can I Pick Your Brain? - Hannibal

Cabin Fever 2002

Hannibal concludes with the charismatic cannibal rescuing Clarice from the diabolic Mason Verger, before seeking refuge in Agent Paul Krendler's home. Because Krendler jeopardised Clarice's career and gave Hannibal up to Mason, viewers know things aren't going to end well for him.

However, nobody is ready for this finale. As a drugged Clarice heads to the dinner table, Hannibal brings over Krendler, who's noticeably worse for wear.

With little warning, Hannibal removes Krendler's cranium, exposing his bloody brain. While Clarice looks on in horror, Hannibal casually slices off a slither of Krendler's prefrontal lobe before cooking it in a nearby pan. After the succulent meat is tendered, Hannibal offers it to Krendler, who eats it without hesitance.

As disturbing as this premise is, it's Krendler's unrealistic calmness that sells it. Because of the sedatives he's on, he's oblivious to his less-than-ideal circumstances. This makes it more unsettling when he compliments the smell of his cooked brain and wolfs it down in one bite.

Being the final victim of Hannibal Lecter, it's fitting how Paul Krendler suffered the most overelaborate kill in the whole franchise.


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