10 Most Unusual Demands By James Bond Actors

1. Doing Her Own Horse Riding - Caterina Murino

Roger Moore James Bond

In Casino Royale, Caterina Murino plays the small but memorable role of Bond's ill-fated lover Solange Dimitrios, and beyond her late-night fling with 007, you might best remember the scene where Solange rides a horse along the beach.

Murino experienced leg pain while filming the sequence to the extent that director Martin Campbell considered bringing in a stunt performer to do it for her, but Murino refused a double, insisting that she perform it herself as it would be her Bond girl moment.

And that it certainly was, though the story gets a little weirder when you consider that an accident with a horse very nearly cost the actress the part entirely.

The day before Murino was set to audition, she fell off a horse and broke a rib, yet soldiered on and attended the audition while under medical sedation and scarcely able to walk.

Despite this, she was invited back for a second audition with Campbell, and being in better health this time ended up winning the role.

Given that absolutely nobody would've cared if she used a double for the scene, it's an admirable commitment to the part, if also unnecessarily risky given her prior accident.

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