10 Most Unusual-Looking Actors In Movie History

8. Vincent Schiavelli

The first thing which strikes you when looking at Vincent Schiavelli is his bizarre eyes - indeed, the Brooklyn-born star of stage and screen was often referred to as "the man with the sad eyes." A wonderful character actor with a surprisingly diverse range of performances under his belt, it was from the early 1990s onwards that Schiavelli became a recognisable presence in mainstream Hollywood movies. After appearing in Ghost as the Subway Ghost a string of huge hits followed, including roles as villains in Batman and James Bond movies. Vincent Schiavelli suffered from the genetic disorder known as Marfan syndrome, which tends to make the afflicted unusually tall with long extended limbs and fingers. Sadly, Schiavelli died in 2005.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.