10 Most Visually Arresting Moments In The DCEU

7. Batman's Summon - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Harley Quinn Birds of Prey
Warner Bros. Pictures

Batman v Superman may have underwhelmed for a multitude of reasons, but Zack Snyder’s visual style helped make it somewhat palatable and its extended cut was far more coherent and closer to the filmmaker's original vision for the film.

Snyder has a strong understanding of framing, and more so how it can be used to show off the larger-than-life nature of the titular heroes, whether they are in battle or doing something less action-heavy.

The latter aspect is best seen in the shot that showcases Batman using the Bat-Signal to indicate his readiness for his clash with Superman. It is the first time we see Ben Affleck's Bruce use the signal in live-action, and it harkens back to the moment where Superman demanded he stayed away from it if it ever shone in the sky.

Snyder frames the Dark Knight in such a way that communicates the hero’s grizzled determination and intimidating factor, and the heavy downpour adds to the intensity of the scene.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.