10 Most Visually Arresting Moments In The DCEU

8. The League Stands Triumphant - Zack Snyder's Justice League

Harley Quinn Birds of Prey
Warner Bros.

The Snyder Cut’s third act battle was significantly more spectacular than its theatrical counterpart. With each Leaguer having something meaningful to do in the fray, the stakes were more palpable and the action simply had more impact, flair and solidly utilized each hero's powers and abilities.

Its conclusion was more subdued than the bombast of preceding events but was still a visual delight to behold. After defeating Steppenwolf and reversing the effects of the Unity, the six heroes take a moment to stand over the battlefield as they are bathed in the rays of the morning sun.

The camera captures the team's towering presence using a low-angle shot before lingering on each Leaguer and once again showcasing them from the side.

The sequence might go on for too long and is not quite as iconic as another super-team's hero shot, but it acted as a fitting conclusion to the third act and signalled that the Justice League was well and truly united.


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