10 Most Wanted Movie Sequels That Would Never Work

10. Avatar 2

Avatar21 Audiences have been clamoring for a sequel to James Cameron's mega-blockbuster since its release in 2009, and he's been talking about doing it for just as long. Last month, the director announced his plans for not one, but three follow-ups, to be filmed simultaneously for release in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Though I don't mean to immediately shoot down the idea of an Avatar sequel trilogy, I have to ask, do we even need more films? The first film, though technically outstanding and a revolution in 3D technology, was a pretty average movie and though there were a few loose ends left by the end, the story of Jake Sully seemed complete and satisfying. A return trip to Pandora will have to be handled with great care, so that the sequels don't feel like a blatant cash-grab.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com