10 Most WTF Movies Currently In Production

7. Honey Boy

You might really like Shia LaBeouf. You might well really admire what he's done as an underrated character actor whose commitment to method has been stunning at times and who is ALWAYS interesting to watch on screen (evenwhen heavily criticised as in Indiana Jones 4). But there is absolutely no way you would have expected to see a film based on his life coming out.

And yet, Honey Boy is genuinely a thing. Based on a script written by LaBeouf - which is in turn based on his own life - the film (titled after LaBeouf's childhood nickname) will follow a child star attempting to mend his relationship with his law-breaking, alcohol-abusing father.

It's not the least compelling idea for a film, but it's just entirely unexpected, and the fact that LaBeouf is starring in it as his own father just adds the weird little cherry on top.

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