10 Most WTF Opening Scenes From Recent Movies

2. The Baby Shower - The Flash

The Flash Baby
Warner Bros.

It's customary for a superhero movie to kick off with the hero doing something heroic, but has it ever been as damn weird as it was in The Flash?

Barry Allen's (Ezra Miller) opening display of heroism involves him saving a fleet of babies free-falling from a collapsing Gotham City Hospital.

The subsequent "baby shower" requires Barry to think and act fast, leaping into the air to prevent the babies from being hit by falling projectiles like knives and, yes, a microwave.

But first, Barry has to break into a vending machine and gorge himself on snacks in order to replenish his depleted energy. Only after that does he rescue the babies, teeing up a Rube Goldberg-esque sequence of events which help nudge them safely out of harm's way.

Because Barry can't directly touch the babies without causing them harm due to the nature of his powers, he instead uses a stretcher to safely catch the babies before they hit the ground.

It's a deliriously ridiculous sequence made even more bizarre given the absolutely atrocious fidelity of the visual effects - especially the nightmarish digital babies, which tumble straight into the uncanny valley.

It is, at least, an opening scene that nobody's ever going to forget - for better or worse.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.