10 Movie Actors Who Returned To Roles They Hated

6. Jennifer Garner - Elektra 

Batman The Flash
20th Century Studios

Talking of Ben Affleck, the actor's ex-wife Jennifer Garner is also no stranger to superhero roles. She starred alongside him in Daredevil as Elektra, and despite being killed off at the end of that movie, the actress returned two years later for a solo outing.

Believe it or not, Affleck - who has openly slated Daredevil and said how much he hated playing the Man Without Fear - returned as Matt Murdock for a deleted scene, so that's another role he's returned to which he hated. Garner, meanwhile, was in the same boat, but forced to star in this entire terrible movie rather than being fortunate enough to be left on the cutting room floor.

She's described the 2005 release as "awful," while her now ex-boyfriend Michael Vartan once revealed that, "I heard [Elektra] was awful. [Jennifer] called me and told me it was awful. She had to do it because of Daredevil. It was in her contract."

Because Fox had locked Garner into a sequel or spinoff, she had no other choice than to return as Elektra, and that clearly wasn't a direction for her career the actress would have chosen.

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